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Feature List

Announcing Advanced DB Master version 7.2

Shipping August 1, 2006

Advanced DB Master version 7.2 supports:

  •  Microsoft Windows Server 2003
  •  Microsoft Windows XP

    New features in 7.2

    bullet Find Database Elements A new button Used By will open a new Find Database Elements window with a search for the element currently selected in your open Find Database Elements window. Another new button is Macros Only which brings up 3 additional buttons: Whole WordMatch Case, and Comments, which add the additional control over these factors that are available in the Find In Macros tool. In this mode, only the macros are searched. When a search is displayed with both the Table and Field values filled in, you can changed the search to include all tables for this field by clicking the +T button.
    bullet Macro Editor Find Database Elements A new button on the Macro Editor toolbar will open aFind Database Elements window with a selection based on the line that the cursor is on. Place the cursor on a line containing one of the commands: RunDataChange, RunMacro, LoadView, LoadTable, PrintReport, or ViewReport, but do NOT select a range of characters. When you click the Find Database Elements button the selected format's references will be found in a newly opened Find Database Elements window. If a range of characters is selected in the line, it will be used as the value for the Field entry in the window for the resulting search.

    Right mouse menu for controls on views      The Find Database Elements tool can be called directly from any view by using the right mouse menu when focus is on one of the controls in the view. Select Find Database Elements from the right mouse menu and this tool will be opened with a search set up and run for the field you had focus on, including it's table. If you then wish to search for this field in all tables, click the +T button.


    PDF files in Reports      Specific pages of PDF files can be set as the background to pages of a report. See the PIcture Tab of the report Object Properties Wizard for more details.

    bullet Report Textblock Line Height      Textblocks in a report will allow you to set the line height. A line height (in pixels) adjustment field defaults to 0 and allows values between -8 and 30. See the Text Tab of the report Object Properties Wizard for more details.
    SQL Query Functions  
    Design Tables

    Design Table Tab for Structure Fields      This new tab, labeled All-F (for Formula) includes all the field properties that relate to the structure of the field.


    PDF files as View page background PDF files can be set as the background to pages of a report. If both the view and the PDF have more than one page, the page background of each page of the view will be the corresponding page of the PDF. This is very useful for presenting multi-page forms for data entry where the data entry fields on each page of the form can be placed in their actual location on the form.


    PDF View Control A control that will display PDF files can be placed on any page of a view. The macro command SetPDFFieldImage sets which PDF file to display. The standard controls are available for scrolling, zooming, and paging through the pages of the document. This can be used to create a page on a view that could have a list of PDF documents in one browse control view and when each document is selected in this control, it will display in a PDF control that occupies the rest of the page. Use a record display macro in the browse control view that presents the list of documents to contain the code that makes the SetPDFFieldImage call.

    bullet Jump To Field in Record View This menu option for records in a view now sorts the listed fields in alphabetic order. If the view is in Record Mode, all fields on all pages are listed, with the page number the field is on displayed after the field name in the list of fields. In Browse Mode, only the fields on the currently displayed page are listed.
    Formula Language
    bullet Hash (str, n)   (7.0)   The Hash function now supports 4 additional hash values returned as a longint or an unsigned longint. Use n = 0, 1, 2, or 3 for the long return values. These new hash values return much better hash values than the Hash(str) value where there is no second parameter. They are better in that the returned values are as unique for the long integer value (which only requires 4 bytes of internal storage) as the older real value (which requires 8 bytes of internal storage).
    Macro Language

    PDF files printed using PrintBitmap command      The PrintBitmap macro command can print a range of pages from a PDF file.

    bullet GetAttachDir Returns the directory that is used by the Image Attach function.
    bullet SetAttachDir Sets the directory for the Image Attach feature to the specified directory.
    bullet SetPDFFieldImage (windowID, pdfField, PDFname) Sets the PDF in file PDFname to be displayed in a PDF control on a view.
    bullet TimeSeconds ( ) Returns a double value which is the number of seconds and milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970. This function is useful for computing time intervals between two events.
    bullet ViewPDFBitmap (PDFname, viewMode, x, y, width, height)      PDF files can be opened in a PDF viewer window. The usual controls are available for scrolling, zooming, and paging through the pages of the document.

    SetLogControl New codes are:

         m      when used with M, only shows the divider line ahead of the level 0 macro (the macro directly triggered by the user). the divider line for the macros called by the level 0 macro are suppressed. Use this to provide a very compact Log file that can show the called macros in a single spaced list. Using m will cause the complete suppression of log entries for macros that you may not want to see in a summary log such as Init view, Void Edit, Edit Record, Display Record, Field Enter, Field Change, Field Exit, Find Mode, Record Mode, Add Mode, Edit Mode, Close View, Report Section.

         g      Suppresses the progress messages that DataChange formats may be configured to display when they are running. This allows you to see the messages

    bullet Database Permissions Delete Reports      Permissions can be set to allow users to delete reports independent of the Create Reports permission settings.
    bullet Database Permissions Manage Users See      Controls who can see the Manage Users dialog.
    bullet Database Permissions Manage Users Lockout      Controls who can use the Manage Users dialog to Lockout users.

    External Program Access Permissions      Access to the database by other software using the ODBC protocol can be controlled according to the user group that the program uses when it logs onto the database. This database property is set on the Database Settings Control Tab by choosing Main Menu option File | Database Settings. It can also be set using macro command SetSystemControl (ctl,val1,val2,val3,val4) with ctl=2. There are 3 settings:

               val1=0 Allow access from All User Groups (Default)

               val1=1 Allow access from Administrator Group Only

               val1=2 Disallow access from All User Groups


    Performance Enhancements Several internal improvements have helped speed up operation of the program.


    Database Error Log Error and information messages in previous versions have been written into each user's daily LOG file in the user's C:\ADBMW program directory. See ADBMW.LOG Log File for details on these logs. A select few of the messages that are deemed most important to be viewed are now written, for all users of the database, into a collection file stored in the same directory as the ADB database file itself. This file is named DatabaseName.LOG where DatbaseName is the name of the database. For example, for the sample database ADBMSAMP.ADB this file would be called ADBMSAMP.LOG and be located in the same directory as ADBMSAMP.ADB. This file will contain the most important error messages for ALL the users that use this database. The contents of this file should be viewed in as editor such as WordPad from time to time to see if anything out of the ordinary is occuring with the database. Each message in the LOG file included the user name, and date and time of the entry. Examples of the kind of message that might show up in this file are: Secondary key errors if any of the secondary keys are in error, file damage, memory corruption errors. Possible remedial action that these messages would indicate as appropriate would include running the Validate DB Structure tool on the Tools menu option, and/or performing a Pack Tables on the Database menu option. If all the message for a given time frame are for only one user, when other users have been in the database during the same period of time, this might indicate some localized problem with that particular pc.

               The mechanism that the program uses for deciding if a particular message should be sent to this collection LOG file is if the message contains the characters ^^^ (3 carat characters). If you wanted to include your own messages in this file, you could do so by using a command such as

         WriteADBMLog "^^^LOGON", UserName & " " & TimeStamp

    in one of your macros. This example if placed in the Open Database Macro would write an entry for each user when they logged on to the database.


    Table Link Handling Some major internal enhancements have been made to the way the program stores and works with the Table Links during program operation. You will not see anything different when using the program, but the entire operation of the table links and link lookups is now more robust.


    Upgrade now to take advantage of Advanced DB Master's newest functions and enhancements.

    Download and print NEW63.EXE  and NEW62.EXE and NEW61.EXE for a complete listing of the new features.  After you download the EXE, run it to unzip the DOC file, then print it using Microsoft Word.

    bullet Calendar (6.2)
    bullet Find in Macros (6.2)
    bullet Browse Editor (6.2)
    bullet Browse Delete (6.2)
    bullet Send E-Mail Menu Item (6.3)
    bullet Charts (6.1)
    bullet Right Justify Text (6.1)
    bullet SQL Left Outer Join (6.1)
    bullet HLML Reports (6.3)
    bullet RTF field references (6.3)
    bullet PDF file Reports (6.3)
    bullet Report Tables (6.3)
    SQL Query Functions
    bullet IFSTR (6.1)
    bullet IFNUM (6.1)
    bullet COMPARE (6.3)
    bullet TOCHAR (s,mask) (6.3)
    bullet TOCHAR (n,'SINT') (6.3)
    bullet TOCHAR (n,l,p,'s') (6.3)
    bullet LPAD (s,n,c) (6.3)
    bullet RPAD (s,n,c) (6.3)
    bullet RECNUMBER ( ) (6.3)
    bullet INITCAP (s) (6.3)
    bullet INITCAP (s,2ltr,3ltr) (6.3)
    bullet String Concatenation (6.3)
    bullet IFNUM Enhancements (6.3)
    bullet IFSTR Enhancements (6.3)
    Design Tables
    bullet Copy Field Command (6.1)
    bullet Field Alias (6.1)
    bullet Four Digit Year (6.1)
    bullet Check Box Field (6.1)
    bullet Sort Button (6.2)
    bullet Link to Non-key Fields (6.2)
    bullet Multi-line text field case editing (6.3)
    bullet Browse Column Widths (6.1)
    bullet Standard Label Font Colors (6.1)
    bullet Custom Label Fonts and Colors (6.1)
    bullet Drop List Query Parameters (6.1)
    bullet Drop Lists Filled Each Time (6.1)
    bullet Drop List Performance (6.1)
    bullet Browse Record #'s (6.2)
    bullet Browse Controls use Default Query (6.2)
    bullet Close View macro (6.3)
    bullet Display Record macro (6.3)
    bullet Void Edit macro (6.3)
    bullet Browse record buttons (6.3)
    bullet Custom Field Labels (6.3)
    bullet Droplists Enhancements (6.3)
    bullet Mulit-line text fields support case editing (6.3)
    bullet View Owner (6.3)
    bullet View Table (6.3)
    bullet Print DataChange Formats (6.1)
    bullet DataChange Formats Portable (6.2)
    bullet Add String Fields (6.3)
    bullet Character Delimited edit enhancements (6.3)
    Formula Language
    bullet UGROUP (6.2)
    bullet INITCAP (6.2)
    Macro Language
    bullet GetViewSelection (6.1)
    bullet SqlQuote (6.1)
    bullet GetError (6.1)
    bullet RedisplayView (6.1)
    bullet EditRecord SaveRecord etc. Enhancements
    bullet CalendarFloating (6.2)
    bullet CalendarModal (6.2)
    bullet FieldIsChanged (6.2)
    bullet FieldNameFromIndex (6.2)
    bullet GetBrowseColumnName (6.2)
    bullet GetCalendarDate (6.2)
    bullet GetFieldInfo (6.2)
    bullet GetTableInfo (6.2)
    bullet RecordStatus (6.2)
    bullet ShowHideField (6.2)
    bullet WaitBox (6.2)
    bullet PrintReport Enhancements (6.3)
    bullet GetDatabaseDir (6.3)
    bullet LoadTable Enhancements (6.3)
    bullet LoadView Enhancements (6.3)
    bullet SendEMail (6.3)
    bullet Database Window Choices Saved (6.1)
    bullet Saves 2 Prior Formats on Disk (6.1)
    bullet Security: Manage Users (6.1)
    bullet Internal Macros Format (6.2)
    bullet Pack Tables List (6.2)
    bullet Table Lists Alpha Order (6.2)
    bullet Double-click Macro for views (6.2)
    bullet ODBC Level 3 Upgrade (6.3)
    bullet Alphabetized Lists  (6.3)
    bullet Clearing trapped users (6.3)
    bullet Database Permissions (6.3)
    bullet DB Manager Category Enhancements (6.3)
    bullet Import / Export Formats Enhancements (6.3)
    bullet HTMLHelp System (6.3)

    NOTE: These are the currently implemented new features and enhancements.  If there is an enhancement that you would like to see in this release, please call us at 719-520-1555 to discuss it.

    And there's more.  So contact Macon Systems, Inc. for further information and upgrade pricing.

    Advanced DB Master version 6.3 is the perfect way to organize, store, interpret, structure and manipulate information.  It is easy to use at every level and supports massive storage.
    bullet Individual records can contain up to 32,200 bytes of data.
    bullet Tables can have up to 4000 fields.
    bullet Tables can hold up to 256,000 Gigabytes of data.
    bullet Databases can contain up to 250 tables.
    bullet Databases support up to 1000 simultaneous users.

    Advanced DB Master is extremely fast and is versatile enough to merge with and enhance existing database systems.

    We can help!  Our software engineers have helped clients develop their database applications for over 19 years.  Sign up for technical support and receive assistance when developing your database, creating formulas, macros or reports, or converting between the DOS and Windows versions of Advanced DB Master.